First Name
Last Name
Have you volunteered at Crusaders Youth Camp?
This is my first time serving at Crusaders Youth Camp
I am a returning volunteer at Crusaders Youth Camp
Camp is 8 days and 7 nights. Can you commit for the entire stay? If not please elaborate.
Have you received certification in any of the following?
Life Guard
First Aid
None Apply
Do you have previous background or training in working with children?
Please describe why you wish to volunteer with Crusaders Youth Camp
MEDICAL CONCERNS Camp can be physically tiring, even exhausting. The facility or activities may require volunteers to manage uneven terrain, be at a high altitude, require hiking, climbing, running, swimming, lifting, stairs, and other strenuous activities depending on the volunteer position. Your medical condition (physical fitness, recent or chronic injuries, allergies, physical or emotional limitations, etc.) and even the medications you take may be affected by the activities, the altitude, the foods served, the emotional challenges with the kids, or the sleeping conditions. (Note: Volunteers who stay in the sleeping quarters with the children are not allowed to have medications in those quarters. Medications must be kept in other secure locations as designated by Camp Leadership.) Do you have any medical conditions that might affect you while at camp?
Please describe your level of education and the field of study you are currently in. We have campers who may be interested in your line of work and have questions, this helps us direct them to individuals who are able to assist them.
Do you have any interests, hobbies or talents you would like us to know? (Athletics, sewing, coding, singing, dance) e.t.c
Have you commited your life to Jesus Christ?
I have questions
What church do you currently attend?
Do you feel you could lead a 15-minute devotion with your campers with materials we provide?
Not sure
List five (5) strengths you have in working with children: Please be specific*
Have you ever been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any crimes (including crimes of record which have been expunged and pleas of 'no contest'), including municipal, state and federal?
Have you ever been subject to any court order involving any sexual, physical or verbal abuse including but not limited to any domestic violence or civil harassment injunction or protective order?
5) Have you ever resigned, been terminated or been asked to resign from a position, whether paid or as a volunteer, due to a complaint(s) of sexual, physical or verbal abuse of minors?
REPRESENTATIONS AND RELEASE I understand that for Crusaders Youth Camp to function it has had to agree to abide by certain policies and parameters established by Crusaders Youth Camp including strict policies against any form of child abuse, and that violation of these policies may be cause for dismissal. Child abuse is punishable by law, and the church is bound by law to report allegations of abuse or any inappropriate sexual contact to the proper authorities. ALL reporting is kept confidential, by law. All volunteers must commit to immediately report any behavior that seems suspicious, questionable, abusive or inappropriate between: child-to-child, staff-to-child, and staff-to-staff. I hereby certify that all of the information provided by me in this Application (or in any other accompanying or required documents) is correct, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Please type your full name as a signature.